2024 Youth Night
Winners of the Essay Contest
Winners of the Peace Poster Contest
Gorcelle's Peace Poster
Pictured L to R
Natalie Collins - Lewistown Elementary School
Peter Dugan - Thurmont Middle School
Nora Dugan - Catoctin High School
Pictured L to R
Ranye Nzekwes - Mother Seton School
Gorcelle Hinson - Thurmont Middle School (2nd
place winner at the District Level)
Gorcelle's Peace Poster
Leo of the Year - Thurmont Middle School
Leo of the Year - Catoctin High School
Pictured from L to R
Lion Liz Ruppel, TLC Leo Advisor Debbie
Wivell, TMS Leo Advisor Leo Danielle Remsburg
Pictured L to R
IDPG Nadja Muchow, Leo Hunter Hurley